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Essex Outdoors Short Breaks activity days for children and young people awaiting diagnostic assessment for Autism

23 May 2024

Following a successful bid for funding from the Department for Education, Essex County Council have expanded the Short Breaks offer to include children and young people awaiting a diagnostic assessment for Autism through a local neurodiversity pathway.

Children accepted onto local neurodevelopmental pathways can now enjoy activity days and family days at Essex Outdoors, as well as access to the Short Breaks Max Card and Tickets offer.

At Essex Outdoors children and young people have the opportunity to take part in up to four fun and challenging activities each day with professional instructors to give parents and carers peace of mind and ensure a memorable day. These fantastic inclusive days are funded by the DfE Short Breaks Innovation Fund for children and young people registered with Short Breaks under the scheme.

Activities will vary depending on which centre and date you book and are located at Bradwell Sailing Centre, Danbury, Harlow and Mersea.

This newly expanded Short Breaks Offer is part of ECC’s early help approach. ECC are working closely with Health, Education and Social Care to support children and young people awaiting diagnostic assessment for Autism.

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