Following a successful bid for funding from the Department for Education, Essex County Council are expanding the Short Breaks offer to include children/young people awaiting diagnostic assessment for Autism through an Essex neurodiversity pathway.
Essex Short breaks give parent carers and siblings of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities a break from their additional caring responsibilities, whilst enabling children and young people to meet friends, take part in activities, develop independence and have fun.
This newly expanded Short Breaks Offer is part of ECC’s early help approach. ECC are working closely with Health, Education and Social Care to support children and young people, and their families, awaiting diagnostic assessment for Autism.
Families registered with Short Breaks under this scheme can enjoy free days out at some of the most popular attractions in Essex with Short Break Tickets, get free or discounted admission to over 1.100 attractions at venues across the UK with a Max Card. Families registered to Short Breaks under this scheme will also enjoy activity days and family days at Essex Outdoors.
The funding will also be used to deliver SENDIASS Practical Workshops for families throughout the year, and for a range of social media video resources to be created by subject matter experts to help formal and informal education settings – such as activity settings - to become more inclusive.
The funding will run from April 2024 to March 2025.
Families are now able to register or join us on Facebook for more updates.