Essex County Council is developing a new commissioning strategy for services for children and young people with disabilities. This involves our commissioners and research team deepening their understanding of the diverse range of needs of the children and young people, and identifying and improving the support and opportunities in place to meet those needs.
Our first job is to look at the Short Breaks offer known as “clubs and activities” and “light touch care”. These are the opportunities that provide leisure time and informal education opportunities. This might include dance, sports, arts and life skills such as cooking.
The contracts for these clubs and activities expire in September 2021. To help us put the right things in place for after September 2021 we want to hear what works best for children, young people and families. For example, what you enjoy doing and things you would like to achieve by attending these opportunities.
The information you provide will help us start to design the new offer with you from now until the new services are in place.
Tell us what you think
Please complete our online survey to share your views.
If anyone has any questions or would require the survey in another format please email
We are looking to hear from as many families as possible, so please do feel free to share this link.
The survey has opened today and will close on the Sunday 25 October.